Learn a new way

Enhance your quality of life

the premise

In the most basic perspective, our life experience is filtered through what we think and what we feel.

What we think: Mental Health

What we feel: Energetic Health, Emotional Health, Physical Health

If we want to change the experience we’re having, we have to address the lens in which we’re experiencing life through.

It’s called a perspective + lifestyle (Inner Truth Healing, ITH) because it’s essentially an evolving consciousness healing allowing you to experience a more ideal version of life’s situations.

We can’t change our circumstances. We’re destined to experience certain things in our lives - we don’t get to choose that.

We DO get to choose how we relate to what’s happening and what we’re making things mean.

With each new season of life, brings new awarenesses and a new healing cycle.

This allows us to understand more of who we are — this is the human experience.

When you learn to navigate this process through understanding the 4 main aspects of yourself, you gain conscious control over your life.

Learn the Inner Truth Healing perspective + lifestyle

This is a teaching + sneak peek of what you can expect in the next unfolding of Inner Truth Healing.

start taking action towards this EXPERIENCE shift

learn the 3 core skills to stabilize

Intuitive guidance

Each persons intuition has an affinity towards something unique because of their own journey.

I’ve needed practicality + to learn to set realistic expectations for myself. Therefore, I am intuitively attuned to making things practical + realistic so that consistency is actually possible.

In the consistency comes the change in experience.

My intuition hones in on what is preventing people from experiencing the life they wish they could be living.

I see the potential experiences available to people and what actions they could practically take in order to have that experience.

  • A channelled 50 card set comprising of

    Questions, Intuitive Messages + Mantras

    to aid in your awareness process

  • Discover practical actions you can take in order to reach your desired life experience

  • A deep dive into real change + crossing perspective thresholds. Not therapy or trauma healing — an intuitively led perspective changing chat + energetic hypnosis process.

Listen to the Inner Truth Healing Podcast

Listen to the Inner Truth Healing Podcast

Listen to the Inner Truth Healing Podcast

Inner Truth Healing Teachings

Conversations about the Healing Journey

Monthly Intuitive Guidance for Personal Growth

Mindful kawa

On-demand Virtual Retreats featuring established wellness experts + a sponsor of the Inner Truth Healing Podcast!

Acupuncture supports this process

discover your underlying imbalance + support your whole body health.